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Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar: Benefits, Uses, Risks, and Dosage

Tried Apple Cider Vinegar before?

All you need to know:

Crushed fermented apples, yeast, and sugar are used to create apple cider vinegar (ACV), a particular kind of vinegar. It is a component of dishes like marinades, pickles, and salad dressings.

People have long used it as a DIY cure for ailments ranging from heartburn prevention to germ control. Recent studies have suggested that ACV may actually have some health advantages, including the ability to lower blood sugar levels and promote weight loss.
Even though there isn’t much proof of these advantages, ACV is generally risk-free—as long as you use it as directed.


Fermentation is the procedure used to create ACV. Two steps make up the procedure. After the apples are first smashed and yeast is introduced to hasten the fermentation process, the sugar eventually turns into alcohol. Second, acetic acid, which gives vinegar its tart flavor and aroma, is produced when natural bacteria convert alcohol to acetic acid.

The clear, pasteurized, and filtered variety of ACV is what you’ll typically find in grocery stores. However, unfiltered, raw ACV that has hazy sediment is also available. This material, often known as “the mother,” is composed of yeast and settled bacteria.

Advantages Apple Cider Vinegar Offer

The majority of research supporting ACV’s health benefits has been tiny, and the findings have not been clear-cut. More extensive research is required to determine its advantages. Here are the results of the research thus far:

  • It might aid with weight loss. Consuming Apple Cider Vinegar ACV twice daily helped patients on a low-calorie diet shed a few additional pounds. 
  • It might reduce blood sugar. Apple Cider Vinegar ACV may help decrease your blood sugar levels after meals, according to a number of smaller research. We need further research to fully understand how it operates because the effect was only moderate. ACV shouldn’t replace your diabetes meds or a healthy lifestyle, but you can add it to your treatment strategy without risk.
  • It might reduce cholesterol. The same study that revealed ACV helped with weight loss also discovered that those who took it had reduced overall cholesterol levels. 

Furthermore, it raised their “good” cholesterol and decreased their triglyceride (blood fat) levels. Similar results were found in other investigations. In order to completely appreciate this connection, experts warn that more research is necessary.

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Other Purposes Apple Cider Vinegar Serve

People utilize ACV for things that haven’t received much investigation or haven’t been proven to work.
Some examples of these uses are:

  • Brings down blood pressure. 

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) may lower blood pressure. A healthy lifestyle and medical care are necessary for high blood pressure because it can be a dangerous condition.

Even though many people swear by apple cider vinegar (ACV) to treat heartburn and acid reflux, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.
Ask your doctor whether using ACV might help you feel better. Start off by diluting in water with modest amounts.

  • Relieves eczema symptoms.

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is used by some eczema sufferers to relieve skin issues. However, according to some research, it had little impact and caused skin irritation in some users. If you want to try ACV, ask your dermatologist if it’s okay.

  • Eliminates germs. 

Even though there is some evidence that ACV, when combined with lemon juice, can prevent germs like Salmonella from growing on salad greens, it does not offer infection protection for wounds.

  • Promotes healthier hair. 

Some people rinse their hair with Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) to reduce dandruff or get rid of product buildup. Although there is no proof that it helps with these issues, ACV does include antimicrobial and antifungal ingredients that may help with hair health.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) could mitigate some of the impacts of hard water. 

Minerals including calcium, magnesium bicarbonate, and sulfates are abundant in hard water. When used after shampooing, ACV is supposed to assist in removing calcium buildup and make your hair shinier.

How Is Apple Cider Vinegar Used?

Using ACV to spice up your food is both flavorful and safe. Use it to flavor classic salad dressings and marinades as well as sauces and stews.
Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) can also be diluted in hot or cold water, according to your preference. Some people sip it before, during, or after meals or right before bed.

If you take an ACV tablet, capsule, powder, or gummy, first ask your doctor how much you should take. Then, read the directions on the label because brand-specific dosages may differ.
Also, Apply Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) to your hair after shampooing to use it as a hair rinse. After 5 minutes, rinse it off. It should only be used once a week or less because daily use can dry out your hair.

ACV can be made less irritating to your skin and scalp by diluting it. Some websites dedicated to beauty advise combining ACV with water in an identical ratio, while others advise adding 2-4 tablespoons to 2 cups of water. Start with a less powerful remedy to be on the safe side.

Does Apple Cider Vinegar Assist in Weight Loss?

It is unlikely that apple cider vinegar will aid in weight loss.
A modest amount consumed, or a supplement taken before meals, according to proponents of apple cider vinegar, can help reduce hunger and burn fat.
The majority of people can safely use apple cider vinegar on occasion, although there are certain hazards involved.

For instance:

Apple cider vinegar is highly acidic. If you consume it frequently or in excessive amounts, it could irritate your throat.
Diuretics and insulin, among other medications or dietary supplements, may interact with apple cider vinegar. This could be a factor in low potassium levels.

Apple cider vinegar Risks and Side Effects

  • Avoid Intake:

Some people should completely avoid consuming Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV), including those with allergies to apples and pectin, pregnant or nursing women (due to a lack of evidence), and those taking medications like diuretics, digoxin, and insulin because it may increase the risk of serious hypokalemia (low potassium).

ACV can affect blood sugar and the rate at which medications are metabolized, thus anyone who is taking blood pressure, cholesterol, or diabetic medications should also avoid taking them unsupervised.

  • When to take:

Apple cider vinegar is well tolerated and generally safe in small doses, such as those frequently ingested in food. Larger doses and long-term use, however, may be dangerous due to significant health conditions such as:

  • Damage to teeth: 

It is not advised to consume apple cider vinegar undiluted due to the possibility of tooth enamel being destroyed.

  • Throat inflammation: 

Consuming ACV may cause throat irritation due to its high acidity.

  • It might cause skin burns: 

ACV treatment topically has been linked to chemical burns.


Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) may occasionally be used to control diabetes, weight, and heart health. However, bear in mind that not everyone may benefit from apple cider vinegar. 

Ask your doctor about your medical requirements and whether it’s okay for you to eat apple cider vinegar.